Today dawned cool and rainy, but after being in the hot, stuffy airplane, it was a refreshing change. After breakfast, we gathered for a guest speaker. Philip Deakin lectured on the history of the Percy family, Alnwick Castle, and the town of Alnwick. He showed visuals of the town of the Alnwick "as it used to be." We found that it actually has not changed all that much, in spite of my concern over the appearance of a Subway.

We also spent time talking about the final project which everyone will be working on as they read, journal and photograph over the next three weeks. In preparation for Friday's field trip to a local farm, we talked about Northumberland author/illustrator
Kim Lewis. After a lunch we'd all like to forget foodwise (we've found the Dining Hall food somewhat less than stellar), more classroom time, then out and about for photo taking.
As we passed along one of the narrow streets, we attracted the attention of more than one resident!
Kyloe is the name of the house, not the dog. Many homes in Alnwick are named as well as numbered.
Tonight after dinner, we gathered for an open air bus tour of the town of Alnwick. As you can see, it was a rainy evening to be up top. At the end of the hour, only a few hardy folks remained above. Alnwick Castle can be seen in the background of the picture, through the mist. A typically wet British finish to our first full day of the program.
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